Vinland Music Camp


Registration and Fees Information

Registration is open now for Vinland Music Camp 2025!

Participants can register to stay on-site at Lion Max Simms Memorial Camp or off-site at another location such as the nearby Exploits River Motel and Restaurant or Brookdale Country Inn & RV Park. You may also stay onsite in your RV or tent. Those staying onsite in a RV or tent, pay a facility fee. See below and our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more information.

There are separate program (tuition) fees for adults (19 years and older) and youth (10-18 years); fees for accomodation and meals are the same for all ages. Participants staying offsite can decide if they prefer to have their meals provided by Max Simms or offsite. Below is a summary listing of the fee and tuition options.  All the fees are also shown in detail on the online registration form where the total amounts are calculated automatically.

Please note: Lion Max Simms Memorial Camp has not increased its meals and accommodations rates since 2024.

All fees listed include taxes.

Vinland Music Camp’25 Registration Fee Options

On-site rates (for those staying at Max Simms lodge):

  • Adult (19 yrs +) tuition, meals & accommodation: $990

  • Youth (10-18 yrs) tuition, meals & accommodation: $680

  • Additional diet fee: gluten free or vegetarian meals: $57.50

On-site rates (for those staying in RVs or tents at Max Simms site):

  • Adult (19 yrs +) - tuition & meals & facility fee: $875

  • Youth (10-18 yrs) - tuition & meals & facility fee:  $565

  • Additional diet fee: gluten free or vegetarian meals: $57.50

Off-site rates (for those staying offsite but having their meals provided by Max Simms Camp):

  • Adult (19 yrs +) tuition & meals only; $777.25

  • Youth (10-18 yrs) tuition & meals only: $467.25

  • Additional diet fee: gluten free or vegetarian meals: $57.50

Off-site (for those staying and having their meals outside Camp but attending classes there):

  • Adult (19 yrs +) tuition only: $472.50

  • Youth (10-18 yrs) tuition only: $162.50

Scholarships and Volunteering

There are Scholarships and Volunteering opportunities as well as other arrangements available to participants who may require assistance in order to attend Camp. For further information, please inquire with the Vinland Music Camp Director.

Full refunds up to June 30th, 2025; 50% refund between July 1 and August 16th. No refunds as of August 17th, 2025.

Please read the Daily Schedule,  Class Descriptions, Workshop Descriptions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page before registering.

All registrants must register using our online registration form which allows one person to register for a family or group, or themselves as an individual. Payments can be made by e-transfer, cheque/money order or credit card as outlined below.

Vinland Music Camp Payment – three options:

Option 1. Register online and pay by Interac e-Transfer: After filling out and before submitting the Vinland Music Camp'25 Online Form, go to your bank’s website and make your payment by Interac e-transfer.

Option 2: Register online and pay by mail: After filling out and before submitting the Vinland Music Camp'25 Online Form, and mail your cheque or money order to this address. You will be officially registered only after we receive your payment.

Option 3: Register online and pay by credit card: (Extra processing fee applies.) Fill out the Vinland Music Camp'25 Online Form and pay by credit card as you submit the form.