Potluck Singers Xmas’24 Materials Page

Welcome to the Potluck Singers Xmas Materials Page. Here you’ll find the latest versions of the Xmas songbooks as well as other information. Click on the titles below to open and download each item.

L'Arche Xmas Party'24 Songbook
This is a collection of songs the Potluck Singers will be singing along with L’Arche Avalon at their December 16 Christmas Party. Please download or print the file. The songbook includes two extra songs – (a) Ding Dong Merrily and (b) Silver Bells. The sheet music for the two instrumentals and The Wren is below.

2024 Potluck Singers Xmas Songbook (Revised Nov 18, 2024)

Potluck Xmas'24 Singalong and Meadow Creek Songbook - lyrics (Revised Nov 28, 2024)

Potluck Xmas'24 Singalong and Meadow Creek Songbook - lyrics and chords

Bring A Torch/ I Saw Three Ships / The Wren (sheet music) (revised Dec 3, with a correction in the second part of ‘The Wren’).

Here’s a link to an instrumental recording of Bring A Torch / I Saw Three Ships (key of G) by Loreena McKennitt. Below is the same recording transposed to the key of D and slowed down. We’ll perform these two tunes instrumentally before we sing The Wren, as indicated in the sheet music.

And below is a computer-generated mp3 of all three tunes (Bring A Torch/ I Saw Three Ships / The Wren) played up to tempo (revised Dec 3 with a correction in The Wren tune). Note that we slow down the last line of the The Wren, as indicated by the rit in the sheet music.

Above is a lead sheet (lyrics/chords/melody) arrangement of Joni Mitchell’s song River (key of D) for the musicians in the group as well as singers who read music. We’ll be singing it at Friday night’s singalong/rehearsal but won’t be performing it.